Kids Gone Raw

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Let the Kids Shop

I picked my 4 year old niece up from school yesterday & asked her what she wanted to do on this beautiful afternoon.  "Go to the Market," she said.  I think she was reading my mind.  :-)  Off to the Market we went with her little brother in tow.

We parked, loaded the sleeping brother into the stroller, grabbed a shopping bag & away we went.  As we were walking to the market I asked her what she was most excited to get & she said, "TOMATOES!"  

First things first, we went on the perfect cherry tomato hunt.  We found a display of little orange tomatoes, red tomatoes, mutli-colored tomatoes ... and after much deliberation, she picked out a pint of bright red cherry tomaotes.  They were so yummy & disappeared so quickly that I never got a picture of her enjoying them.  I did however get some pictures of the remainder of our shopping experience.  :-)

My niece had so much fun helping me pick out produce, take it to the farmers to weigh & then pay for it that I thought she was going to explode!  And she learned a lot too.  We talked about veggies & what we can make with them, we talked about weighing food & money to pay for it.

The cutest thing was that when she woke up from an afternoon nap, the first thing she said to my partner was, "I got to buy food at the Farmers' Market all by myself!"  She then got up & helped me unpack the food & arrange it in a huge bowl on the kitchen counter.  Happiness is ...

Let the kids shop, I say!  Take them to a Farmers' Market near you ... it makes for a great outing for everyone!

Smiles,  :-)  Elizabeth, aka Girl Gone Raw

Friday, September 16, 2011


Who said there can be too many cooks in the kitchen?  Elizabeth and Maggie welcome you to our KIDS GONE RAW blog.  Our site and forth coming un-cook book will empower kids (and their people) to take control of their health through fabulous RAW snacks and goodies.

Here on our blog you will find all kinds of tasty bites, healthy living tips &  MORE!

Stay tuned ...